Saturday, September 4, 2010


My main experience is with ClearCase. I have read various descriptive comparisons between ClearCase and other available Software Management Version tools. Which tool has your company implemented? What were the key features helped you select this tool over another one?


  1. I Have used cleracase as well as perforce. As a personal choice, i would love perforce factors being

    No Multisite
    Easy to learn
    Easy to maintain
    Cost effective compared to Clearcase
    It keeps track of operation type on file and that way easy to debug after the fact

  2. To Steal from Robert Deniro's character in Ronin: “It’s just a tool box. You pick the tool for the job.”

    I want a tool the increases overall flexibility in the system and allows me to integrate it with issue tracking and builds. I also prefer tools that support remote users. Change and distribution of talent continue to increase. Traditional source control systems are a little too rigid resulting in some extra work or forcing engineers to abandon best practices like refactoring because of tree conflicts.

    I've been using mostly CVS and SVN but the streams based approach appears to offer a more flexible approach to changes in workflow. Branches define a workflow and traditional source control systems seem to set that in stone. The teams I support want to adjust their process to best meet current needs and something like Accurev, git, hg, or bazaar appear to be more flexible when it comes to restructuring the path between developer commit and integration into a build or releas

  3. It depends on Factors like :-
    1)IDE Environment
    3)Company organization
    4)Affordable Cost etc ...

    These all factors and similar matters a lot.On these basis ; you may proceed with selection of Version Controlling tool.

    CM tool is wrong word.
    Version Controlling is the part of CM.Mature CM is the cross business functionality NOT functionality solely within Engineering.

    Great field with great scope.

    Let me know of you have any query.

    Waseem Bokhari
    CM Analyst

  4. Joe Farah • As founder of Neuma, I've used CM+ for over 20 years (with some CM libraries over 20 years old!). Although I'm biased, customers have told us how far ahead of ClearCase/ClearQuest CM+ is. Statements such as "This is the way MultiSite should work" and "you beat them hands down, and at a small fraction of the price" are a couple of the comments.

    Why? CM+ is one, seamlessly integrated end-to-end ALM tool. It is strong in its CM with the advanced Change Management. But I like it most because of the extensive and easy customization capabilities. If I need a dashboard specific to my needs, I just spend a few minutes to create one. That saves me having to point and click to chase traceability links. So I put together specific ones, to manage builds, to compare builds, to review time sheets and project time roll-ups, to serve as a peer review station, or as an all in one requirements traceability dashboard. And because it just takes a few minutes to put a dashboard together, it pays for itself almost instantly.

    The fact that there is almost no administration (and easy set-up), including for CM+MultiSite, is another key factor in our case. We don't have time to spend on administration. In fact with CM+MultiSite we can reduce our normal backup efforts as it automatically provides warm standby disaster recovery - saved us time during disk crashes on more than one occasion. And it covers all ALM functions because of the integration on a single repository, designed for engineering management applications.

    Other key reasons: more mature CM than C/C. Easy set-up. Very scaleable to thousands of users per server. Single repository. Repository checkpoints. Mission-critical reliability. Easy to use. Can add functionality. Cross platform (Unix/Linux/Windows), process-centric with great out-of-the-box processes, minimizes branching/merging.

    IMHO, if you prefer C/C+C/Q to CM+, you haven't tried using CM+.

  5. I saw a similar query on LinkedIn and my response was ... In a word.... AccuRev. Drop dead simple to admin and use with low server requirement overhead. Extremely flexible tool that is nearly bulletproof. Takes all the pain out of CC streams. In my experience with CC is in fact very customizable however, this comes with a cost that you basically must customize it to use it and everyone uses it completely differently making transitioning from one site using it to another difficult.

    I have implemented cvs, svn, Dimensions, Perforce, CA SCM/Harvest, AccuRev, CMVC and used CC at another site. Of them all AccuRev was easy to stand up, required very little hardware to support a large dev group, and admin was simple. One of the nice things was if you had to modify a stream flow you can do it anytime on the fly.

    I really miss CMVC and think IBM did a disservice to that community after the Rational purchase. Due to the nature of my current work I am in the process of doing a whitepaper on using a distributed version control tool such as Hg, Git, or Bzr. Our development groups tend to shift who has a contract to build any one application and sharing the historical code base is getting important. Doing a simple "hg clone ..." to get that code over to a different company would be helpful.


  6. I am also a fan of AccuRev and have experience with CMVC, Harvest, SVN, and VSS. I have also played with HG and Bzr.

    About three years ago I was looking at tools to replace VSS on a project and found SpectrumSCM which I thought would be a good fit because of it's process centric approach, low administration burden, and great documentation.

    If I were writing the checks it would be AccuRev for sure with the native Append-Only DB and the built in ticketing.

    Mike Coon

  7. As a build/release guy I've worked with CVS, Subversion, Clearcase & Perforce. While your exact situation dictates what's best for you, my personal favorite is Perforce. CVS/SVN are ok for very small organizations, or if you're just starting out, don't have much code, and don't want to spend any money. Once you start branching though it becomes a real pain. Clearcase is great, it's the Cadillac of the industry, but it's ridiculously expensive ($3600/license last I checked) and generally requires a full time person dedicated to its care & feeding. Perforce gives you most of the benefits of CC, at 1/4 the price, has pretty low admin overhead, and integrates nicely into all sorts of build & ci tools.

  8. When I was at A.G. Edwards six years ago we used ClearCase and ClearQuest for Java/Web development. ClearCase is very flexible with it's parallel development and version branching. It does take some work setting up the version structure but works great after that. Defense Mapping in St. Louis also used ClearCase. There have been many versioning tools out there since then so I don't know how ClearCase compares with others. It was very good at the time.
